Open for visitors - Monday, Friday & Saturday
Amphibian Care Sheets
You should find below, all of the care sheets for the Amphibians that we sell and others as well. If you would like us to publish a care sheet for an Amphibian that is not listed below, please let us know.
Poison Dart Frogs
Oriental Fire Bellied Toad
Painted Chorus Frog
Yellow Bellied Toad
African Bullfrog
Pacman Frog
Long Nosed Horned Frog
Cane Toad
Amazon Milk Frog
Bird Poo Mossy Frog
Whites Tree Frog
Riobamba Marsupial Frog
Red Eye Tree Frog
Glass Frog
Budgetts Frog
Alpine Newt
Spanish Ribbed Newt
Yellow Spotted Salamander
Giant Mexican Leaf Frog
Yellow Spotted Glass Frog
Chubby Frog
Mantella Dart Frog