Medium Locust - Pre Pack (15 Locusts)

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We currently have 10 available in stock.

Medium Locusts

Approximately 15 Locusts Per Tub.

Each Locust is around 15-20mm.


Locusts, belonging to the family Acrididae, are a popular choice for live food among reptile, amphibian, bird, and invertebrate enthusiasts. These insects are known for their ability to jump significant distances and are valued for their nutritional content, ease of care, and suitability for a wide range of pet species.

One of the primary advantages of locusts as live food is their high protein content, which makes them an excellent source of nutrition for insectivorous pets. Additionally, they provide essential fats, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to the overall health and vitality of the animals that consume them.

Locusts are available in various sizes, ranging from small nymphs to larger adults, to accommodate different feeding needs. It's essential to select appropriately sized locusts to ensure they are suitable for the size of the animal being fed.

In terms of care, locusts require minimal maintenance and can be housed in a plastic or glass container with a secure lid to prevent escape. Adequate ventilation is crucial to ensure proper air circulation within the enclosure. A substrate such as peat moss or vermiculite can be used to provide a suitable environment for the locusts to burrow and lay eggs.

Locusts should be provided with a balanced diet to ensure their health and longevity. Commercial locust food, fruits, vegetables, and water gel crystals can be offered to supplement their diet and provide essential nutrients and hydration. It's important to monitor the locusts' food and water supply regularly and replenish as needed to prevent dehydration and malnutrition.

Feeding locusts to pets can provide enrichment and stimulation, as the act of hunting and capturing live prey mimics their natural hunting instincts. However, it's crucial to ensure that the size of the locusts is appropriate for the animal consuming them to prevent choking or digestive issues.

When feeding locusts to pets, it's also essential to consider their nutritional quality. Gut-loading involves feeding the locusts a nutritious diet, such as fruits, vegetables, or commercial gut-loading foods, before offering them to the pet. This ensures that the nutrients consumed by the locusts are passed on to the animal that eats them, maximizing their nutritional value.


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