Sunny Stick Insect - Group of 3 - 5-10cm


SKU: 2T3
We currently have 4 available in stock.

Sunny Stick Insect

Sungaya inexpectata

Captive bred 2023.


Sunny stick insects, known scientifically as Sungaya inexpectata, bask in the warmth of sunlight filtering through forest canopies. These arboreal insects, resembling slender twigs, thrive in temperate regions across North America. Their elongated bodies and delicate legs aid in camouflage, blending seamlessly with surrounding foliage. Evading predators like birds and small mammals, they remain motionless during daylight hours, absorbing solar energy vital for metabolic processes. Remarkably adaptable, they consume a variety of vegetation, sustaining their herbivorous lifestyle. With their subtle beauty and ecological significance, sunny stick insects exemplify nature's intricate balance, illustrating the marvels of adaptation within diverse ecosystems.


Adult size: 5-8cm

Life span: 1 year

For more information, please see our Sunny Stick Insect care sheet. 

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